Whether you are trying to conceive naturally, are stepping into the world of assisted reproductive technology or just need some extra support to help you optimise your nutrition, book a consult today.

I will work with you to design a personalised nutrition plan tailored to your specific needs.

All consults are offered via online video link so you can work with me no matter where you are located around Australia.


Complimentary 15 Minute Discovery Call

The discovery call is designed to provide you with a personalised introduction into how nutrition can support your fertility journey. During the call I aim to understand your unique needs, answer any questions you may have, and discuss how tailored nutrition plans can enhance your reproductive health. This call is a valuable opportunity for us to connect, ensure our services align with your goals, and set the foundation for a healthier, more hopeful future.

Initial Consult (Individual and Couples Appointments Available)

The initial consultation is a comprehensive session designed to dive deep into your nutritional and fertility needs. During this appointment, I will conduct a thorough assessment of your dietary habits, medical history, and lifestyle factors. We will also discuss any fertility challenges you may be facing, and what you want to achieve.

Our goal is to then create a customised nutrition plan tailored specifically to enhance your reproductive health and address any underlying issues.

This consultation provides a solid foundation for your fertility journey, equipping you with the knowledge and tools needed to optimise your diet and boost your chances of conception.

Review Consult (Individual and Couples Appointments Available)

The review consultation is a crucial follow-up session designed to evaluate your progress and make necessary adjustments to your nutrition plan. During this appointment, we will discuss any changes you've experienced, address new or ongoing concerns, and refine your dietary strategies to better support your fertility goals.

Our objective is to ensure you stay on track and continue to optimise your reproductive health. This consultation provides ongoing support and guidance, empowering you with the insights and adjustments needed for your continued journey towards conception and overall well-being.

Kristy Wiseman, Fertility and Women's Health Dietitian, Gold Coast

“we are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are.”

  • Adelle Davis